Saturday, August 23, 2008

In Which a Silly Idea is Exploited for Intellectual Value

So, I'm proposing that we actually do this thing. The question is: what is this thing?

We could use this blog in a few different ways. We could use it to take turns posting a writing exercise a week, which all writers could try with varying levels of success and post their results. Or we could post a project a week for feedback. For instance, Elaine could post a poem or a witty observation about France, Stephanie and I could post a chapter or a page of our novels, and Bailey could post a list of ideas for her next fantasy adventure. Or whatever.

Or we could only use this blog to commiserate with each other when our characters rebel and end up killing random people with box cutters, or fall in love with someone they're supposed to despise. Or we could use it to boast about publishing contracts and the like.

I also like the idea of having an actual concrete meeting once a month. We could go to Alchemy or Beans and Brew where Stephanie and I can get coffee, Elaine can get Chai, and Bailey can get a frozen chocolate drink of some kind. Maybe there will even be cupcakes involved.

I don't know. Do any of these ideas sound appealing? What do other people want? I'm game for anything.

1 comment:

Ste said...

I'm really liking the sounds of this group.

I think as long as we have something new to show for ourselves at the end of the week, we can say we're successful as a writing group. and I'm totally up for a monthly drink and cupcakes meeting. :D